
If you are interested in purchasing Stacy’s work please email jeremy@windowonhudson.org to request a catalogue.


Stacy Petty

October 7 - November 2, 2020

Stacy Petty is from Fort Myers, Florida and received his B.F.A. in Sculpture from Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, FL. He won the Dr. Arland Christ- Janer Public Sculpture Award and participated in the New York Studio Residency Program in New York City. His work has been in solo and group exhibitions in the U.S. and Europe. He is currently based in Brooklyn and Hudson, NY. His last solo show was Transmutation and took place earlier this year in Easthampton, MA. He currently has a large sculpture, Wishbone, installed at the Hudson Area Public Library in Hudson, NY.

Sculpture Graveyard, making its debut at Window On Hudson, asks questions about the longevity of art. Petty wonders, “Does art die? Have a lifespan? Bleed or decay? Without maintenance decay could happen literally and without discussion or thought, sometimes metaphorically. Our landscape is littered with public art in dire need of maintenance. Life span of art can be eternal if the public finds it in fashion otherwise it meets its fate in the purgatory of museum basements, gallery back rooms or studio storage spaces.

 I am inspired by the thought of archeological digs in the distant future where another world finds our art and attempts to interpret our society and culture based on its findings. Imagine a valley of ruins, or an elephant graveyard, comprised of our contemporary artwork waiting for another chance at exhibition and reinterpretation. Or a glimpse into another dimension where sculpture becomes a sentient being.

 I like to think of my work as alive. A free-flowing dance of gestural, twisted, extra-terrestrial forms. Sculptural visitors from another dimension. Something beyond my control where only I act as the conduit for its emergence.”